分类存档: c/c++

Building protobuf examples on Windows with MSVC

The Google Protocol Buffers library has very good documentation. However, as I was following their C++ tutorial, it wasn’t clear how to actually build and make the examples run on Windows, since the tutorial itself...


//Server.cpp #include #include #include #pragma comment(lib, "ws2_32.lib"); #define PORT 5000 void main() { int port = PORT; WSADATA wsaData; SOCKET sListen, sAccept...

LDR: LdrpWalkImportDescriptor()解决方案

今天编译一开源项目,他提供的是VC9的工程,我这边是VC10,首先,打开之后需要经过转换,一切正常,然后编译,出现一个简单的小的错误,更改之后编译通过,但是运行时出现下图所示的错误。 “应用程序正常初始化(oxc0150002)”失败,...