存档于 八月, 2013


1.添加PRIMARY KEY(主键索引)ALTER TABLE `table_name` ADD PRIMARY KEY ( `column` ) 2.添加UNIQUE(唯一索引) ALTER TABLE `table_name` ADD UNIQUE ( `column`) 3.添加INDEX(普通索引) ALTER TABLE `table_name` ADD INDEX index_...


letter-spacing 来设置字与字间距_字符间距离

js(javascript)如果去掉 px单位,转化成整型

var tmp = parseInt("500px");


1、abs() var aaa=-20; var bbb=Math.abs(aaa); 2、负负得正 var aaa=-20; var bbb=-aaa

Tagsystems: performance tests

In my previous article named “Tags: database schemas” we analysed different database schemas on how they could meet the needs of tag systems. In this article, the focus is on performance (speed). That is: if you want ...

Tags with MySQL fulltext(基于fulltext)

While setting up the promised performance test in my last post, I did some tests with the MySQL fulltext features and it seems that they are built for tagging systems. Take a look at the queries (if it is not clear fo...

Tags: Database schemas(数据库设计)

Recently, on del.icio.us mailinglist, I asked the question “Does anyone know the database schema of del.icio.us?”. I got a few private responses so I wanted to share the knowledge with the world. The Problem: You want...


<style type="text/css"> *{ margin:0px; padding:0px; } #wrap{ width:890px; height:124px; position:relative; overflow:hidden; } #wrap ul{ height:108px; position:absolute; top:0px; ...


1. 进入游戏,打开背包,需要几个装备,并且装备升级所需的金币不一样。   2. 选择一个装备,点击升级,查看需要升级的金币。如下图,八门中搜6(因为需要6个金币升级) 3. 在选择其他装备,点击升级,重复步骤2,直到搜索到的...


background:url(图片位置) #fff left top;


在chrome中,如果设置了自动完成表单,那么用户在输入了表单并且再次进入到表单页面时,会发现表单下面有一个黄色的背景。例如下面这样: 对于纯色背景的表单,只需要在CSS里面加入类似下面的代码即可: input:-webkit-autofill { ...


$image = imagecreatetruecolor(100, 50); $border_color = imagecolorallocate($image, 0, 0, 0); function drawBorder(&$image, &$border_color, $thickness = 1) { $x1 = 0; $y1 = 0; $x2 = imagesx($image) - 1;...